
Hello students and families!

I am so honored to be your English teacher this year! If you are feeling a little nervous, don’t worry, you’re not alone. My goal is to make our class a safe space for you to learn, grow as a writer, think critically, work collaboratively, and find various platforms to express yourself.

This class has been designed to build and strengthen reading, writing, vocabulary, listening, speaking, and grammar exercises. We will explore short stories, poetry, novels, plays, music, and student work. Students will develop the metacognitive skills needed to make informed decisions in and out of the classroom. Assignments will include keeping an organized notebook, taking notes, creating thinking maps, writing essays, writing short responses while citing textual evidence, and a variety of other creative assignments that will assist you in the learning process. Most of our work will be done in class, so I can support you in your learning process. Unfinished classwork should be completed at home as homework. All activities are designed to help students learn to be empathetic, inclusive, and socially aware members of society.

The following information will make your transition into my class easier. Please know that I want you to succeed and will help you in any way I can to ensure this. I look forward to a productive year of growth in your English skills this year. My goal is to provide you with the tools and skills you will need to be successful this year, in high school, and beyond. I want you to succeed; I want you to learn all that you can; I know that you can meet high expectations; and I will be here to help you.

Mrs. Jones